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MP3 soal UN Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK 2011

Here you can download the MP3 of soal UN Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK 2011 | In preparing your 2012 SMK English UN, you need to have it. The English listening section has 15 items which are divided into four parts. They are finding the most appropriate sentence which best describes a picture, finding the best respond for such a question, finding the best sentence which is related to the correspond meaning in a short talk, and finding general and specific information in a longer talk.

Listening section on your final exam is going to test your ability in understanding English conversation. Although our UN listening section sounds a little bit unnatural compared with how the English native speaker would say the sentences. Still, you have to study it. The speed and pronunciation are sometimes heard weird for those who are quite familiar with how those sentences are spoken by the native. You can take this as an advantage. As long as you follow what your teacher told you, it is not that difficult to understand the context and meaning in general. Download mp3 soal UN Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK 2011 here.

As the SMK English final exam is close to TOEIC English test, you can also study any related TOEIC English test materials. You can find them on the net by doing some Google search. Try ‘free English TOEIC test’, ‘how to prepare for TOEIC test’, or ‘free TOEIC preparation program’. It is now the time for you to use any available resources to get yourself ready for the final exam.

Try this TOEIC English test sample video to understand how your English final test looks like.

TOEIC English test

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4 Tanggapan untuk "MP3 soal UN Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK 2011"

  1. mana link downloadnya? hanya saran mas gan. sekali visitor di kecewakan atau di bohongi biasanya tidak akan pernah berkunjung lagi

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.

  3. sorry... sorry... ternyata bisa d download, pake iLvid aja, makasih ya....

  4. @mas Ali Fauzan: ada kog mas, lihat bagian tengah posting, kalimat terakhir paragraph 2, ok, saya akan coba benahi templatenya wis, biar linknya lebih terlihat

    @dini deviani: hehe, bingung ya? makasih konfirmasinya, sangat membantu


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