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Download USB Image Tool–ISO File Keeper

Which one do you usually use to install a new OS on your laptop? Burn the iso into a USB Flash Disk or DVD? Of course there are another ways, but those two are the most common method that people use.

The problem with the method is the time. It needs 15 up 25 minutes to burn the installer. It depends on the size and your laptop’s specification though. So, is there any easy way to let us keep the iso in a form of an image that is ready to use on the USB flash disk in no time?

Here is the USB Flash Tool. It is a very tiny tool to do so. It is built by Alex, that’s the way he wants people call him.

If you need it, just download USB Image Tool. (ZIP, 251 kb)

From the download page, we can see that Alex has some projects. One of them is Empty Bootsector. You can use it to reformat our device when we have multiple partitions on it. This Empty Bootsector can restore in in device mode.

If you have a dime, it is really suggested to give him a donation.

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